Saturday 28 May 2011

Red Brick Warehouse, Rain and Arcades

On Friday night I met Jonny after work at Bashamichi Station to go to the Red Brick Warehouse. These are two converted warehouse buildings separated by a large courtyard, overlooking the bay. They contain shops (gift shops mainly), cafes, restaurants and live music venues. We ate at an Italian restaurant called Cafe Madu, which we thought was just a mall-style cafe facing the shops, but we ended up sitting in a glazed terrace area on the courtyard, with a nice view of passenger boats going in and out (strangely all lit up like Christmas in the US). It was slightly overpriced but perhaps worth it for the setting.
View from our table
After dinner we ambled around hiding underneath an umbrella in the general direction of Minato Mirai (where the big skyscrapers are). Quite a nice little walk despite the rain - there were well designed walkways with framed views of the Landmark tower and skyscraper lights reflected in the canals (and puddles). Although we did agree that it was probably the novelty factor that helped us like the area, and more than likely if it was in the UK we would find it as soulless as Canary Wharf.
Rainy rainy Minato Mirai
We popped into a mall to look at what was on at the cinema. Not very much. But Jonny had the opportunity to win pink things in the very pink arcade. There are arcades everywhere, and busy too. I've decided that if there is a hell, it is probably arcade after arcade, with the accompanying din and only the chance to be conned out of money to win cheap and hideous stuffed toys. For. Ever.
Not winning stuff not worth winning

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